Fried Rice (Korean Style)

Fried Rice (Korean Style)
Servings size for 4 people


¼ lb of meat (cut into very small cubes or strips)
1 cup of carrots (washed, peeled and chopped fine)
1 cup of potatoes (washed, peeled and chopped fine)
1 cup of onions (washed, peeled and chopped fine)
8 cups of cooked rice (about 2 cups per person)
1 tablespoon of crushed garlic
½ tablespoon of salt
¼ tablespoon of pepper
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 egg (beaten)


Heat oil in pan on medium heat. When oil sizzles, add garlic, salt, pepper, carrots, potatoes and onions.
Sautee until onions are slightly opaque, carrots and potatoes are almost cooked (about 5 minutes).
Add meat and Sautee until meat is no longer red (slightly pink to brownish grey is fine).
Add rice and constantly toss veggies, meat and rice so it doesn’t stick to the pan.
Make room in the middle of the pan and add 1/2 tablespoon of oil. Pour the egg and scramble.
Once egg is cooked, stir the rice from the outside in and mix everything well.



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