Beurre à la bourguignonne - Garlic Butter
This recipe comes from Sam Cho:

Beurre à la bourguignonne - Garlic Butter
It sounds fancy, but it's really just a quick, cheap, and easy 4 ingredient compound butter that works well on a slice of of hot bread, slightly melted on the protein of your choice, or even to flavor popcorn. We used all sorts of compound butters in the restaurant, and this was one of them.
Compound butters are very versatile and can also be frozen and stored away until needed later, or you can use them the day of.
Total time: 10 minutes, ~$4, ~15 servings
~1/2 cup unsalted butter
~2-4 medium sized garlic cloves
~2-4 tablespoons parsley
~Salt (and pepper) to taste
~(optional) 1 tablespoon fine brunoise shallots
1. Bring butter to room temperature until soft and malleable. If necessary, microwave your butter for a couple seconds, but melted butter is a no-no.
2. Chop your garlic very fine, almost until it is a paste. Sprinkle a good whack of salt on your garlic to help break it down, and that's also how you're going to salt your butter (since salt doesn't melt in fat/oil/butter).
3. Finely chop your parsley.
4. (optional) Finely chop your shallots.
5. Combine butter and garlic first (and shallots), and then fold in the parsley. Avoid over-mixing or the entire butter will turn GREEN.
Enjoy by spreading on a nice slice of (grilled) baguette.
-Buy a decent quality butter like Straus for best flavor, but if not, no problem
-Chop your parsley with a very sharp knife so you get minimal bleeding and smaller specks of parsley.
-Feel free to experiment with different compound butters!
-I'm not a huge fan of pepper in this, but feel free if that's what you prefer.